
Best Garden Design Ideas and Tips

>> Saturday, 31 July 2010

Garden Design Ideas

You get the most beautiful display from roses, and they are not hard to look after either. Any local plant-house will tell you the types and colours that are being available and give you tips about maintenance and planting.

The designer is one who completely understands how a garden works. They will know the type of plants that thrive well in the region they work in. They will also know which flowers and plants do not work effective in your area. This can save you few money and time.

There is little expertise a designer wants to have that a gardener normally does not want to have. The designer should be a respectful listener. When you hire one you need these to convert your garden in to the dream ideas that you have. If they can listen to what you want and temper it with what can happen, discussing the good way forward at every stage, then the designer is doing a perfect job.

Water Garden Design Ideas: The act of water in garden design has a magical and long history, both in the Western and East gardens. During time of Plato, public fountains temple groves and adorned parks, while shrines to Pan and sacred fountains, the muses nestled, and nymphs in private garden sanctuaries. Homers Odyssey explains the Sanctuary of Nymphs, where streams tumbled over boulders and rocks to a shrine recognized as a Nymphaeum, loyal to the nymphs and complete with fountains created to characterize a natural grotto.

My last opinion is for the garden canopy. They both are functional and beautiful. They are perfect if you want to sit in the garden to read and need some safety from the sun. You can get then in many sizes and easy to put up and take down again.


Garden Design Ideas For a Beginner

If you haven't got green fingers, don't really have a clue about DIY and need some help planning your new garden, here are some garden design ideas to consider.

The most important part of any garden design is the initial planning. Get this right and everything else becomes far easier. Get it wrong and you're left facing an uphill struggle, having to solve all kinds of problems along the way.

Start by wandering around your garden and jotting down the things you like about it and the things you're not so sure about. What do you want to change? Are your changes realistic? Are they easy to do? Do you have the time and money to invest? All of these questions need to be considered and answered before you do anything else.

Once you've got passed the initial review, list all of the essential items you want or need in your garden design. Then start sketching out a rough outline of where you want everything to be positioned. Once you've planned somewhere for all the essentials, you can start adding the other more luxurious or personal items to your design. However, don't fill your garden with all kinds of things to start of with as you'll end up with a cluttered and busy design. Unlike interior design, it is a good idea to the skeleton of your garden designed and built and then add to it gradually over time.

To move your sketch up a level, use garden design software which can be downloaded from the web for free. This will give you far more in-depth ideas about what you can achieve with your garden and what the finished product will look like.

Once you think you've got your design worked out, stay online and use the internet to get prices on all the new things you need for your garden design. You'll probably find the choice available to be far wider. Even if you prefer to visit high street shops, the web is a great place to look for ideas and get inspiration.

Hopefully these one or two garden design ideas will give you a starting point to build on and help you plan the garden of your dreams.


Essentials Of Herb Garden Design

>> Thursday, 29 July 2010

Herb garden designs vary depending on the needs and preferences of their designers. They also differ in regards to their overall purpose. For example, an informal herb garden can be designed alongside vegetables and other flowering plants as well as various shrubs and trees.

How to Design an Herb Garden
When designing an herb garden, you should consider how it will be used beforehand and plan accordingly. For instance, kitchen gardens should be located near the home for easy access to herbs as needed during harvesting.

The most basic herb garden needs to be located in an area receiving at least 4-6 hours of sunlight. All plants should be easily accessible, especially when used for cooking or dried arrangements.

Generally, herb gardens include an interesting focal point in the center such as a birdbath, fountain, sundial, etc. This also depends on its purpose and your personal taste.

Basic Herb Garden Design Themes
Themes are popular when designing an herb garden. Themes can include the use of specific colors, aromas, plants, etc. Herbs are typically chosen based on the theme. Various themes can be used to separate individual garden beds too.

For instance, herbs sharing a specific color can be grouped together in one area. In another, you may have a scented herb garden filled with aromatic herb plants such as various types of mint.

Themes are popular when designing an herb garden. Themes can include the use of specific colors, aromas, plants, etc. Herbs are typically chosen based on the theme. Various themes can be used to separate individual garden beds too.

For instance, herbs sharing a specific color can be grouped together in one area. In another, you may have a scented herb garden filled with aromatic herb plants such as various types of mint.

In addition, one might prefer different varieties of one herb plant. Another option might include a specific locale, such as an Italian herb garden filled with Italian herbs like basil, parsley, oregano, rosemary, etc.

Formal Design Herb Garden
Formal herb gardens are also popular. This symmetrical type of herb garden uses plants to create geometric designs and textures, such as a circle or square. Herbs are typically arranged by height, color, and use with walkways or paths separating beds that are of equal size.

Knot gardens are a commonly seen formal design herb garden. These gardens are often edged with low-growing hedges, like boxwood. They may also include some type of statuary or topiary focal point.

Spiral herb gardens take on a circular shape and are generally built up in tiers. While these are also popular, they are usually less formal in appearance.

Container Herb Garden Designs
Many herbs can be successfully grown in containers. Container-grown herbs can be designed to accommodate nearly any setting or need and are a great alternative to gardening in small areas. They can also be arranged into attractive groupings and changed around or moved as needed.

There are different ways to design an herb garden. The best design is one that works for you and meets all your expectations.


Practical Ways To Create A Vegetable Garden

>> Monday, 19 July 2010

Want to make an exceptional vegetable garden? Arranging a vegetable garden can be stressful. Here are some designs you can work on.

When choosing the formation of your own vegetable garden, you should think of the decorating in your home, matching it with the shape of your garden. You're sure to get compliments from others.

It is advised you pick an erect garden if there is limited space, so you do not have to spread the garden out.

One should contemplate the amount of sunlight the garden will be receiving, possible fertilizers and the best area for watering when producing your garden design.

It is also useful to pick a design that coordinates with the proper amount of natural soil among other things.

A case would be if the soil is in bad condition, the gardener should raise the bed of the garden or use a contained garden compared to a natural soil.

You should use an array of colored containers if you decided to make a contained vegetable garden. This will bring life and color to your porch.

If you want a rare, individual garden, it is recommended you pick containers, some unique or different materials and design a unique pattern or shape.

If you decided to go with a box garden or a raised bed garden, you will need to plant the saplings and seeds in a recommended shape or form.

It will make your garden look visually perfect as well as getting your plants the proper amount of nutrition and soil.

Space is not the only objective when creating a design. The design also relies on other things such as the nature of your plants.

Do not choose a box design if you want to produce creepers, it is better if you use a hanging or other vertical garden.

The designing of a vegetable garden is an artistic one. If you do not think you are a good artist just let your interior decorators or gardening expertise guide you towards the proper garden style for you.

Vegetable garden plans do not just echo our economic philosophies; they also show our artistic ones.


Garden Design - Small Garden Design Ideas

>> Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Small garden design ideas are not simple to find. The small garden design is unique from other garden designs. Space plays an essential role in small garden design ideas. The garden should not seem very populated but at the same time it should give a complete whole to the home.

Only trees and the length of the garden are not enough. Textures can also play a big role in increasing the length of a small garden. However you can select your texture, you may also use brick for the patio area, natural stone for the walking space and a crushed rock that differentiate with the environments for the remaining of the area.

Herb garden

Suffering from small space does not mean you should do with out a herb garden. Delight in the truth that herbs need not take up a lot of space. Usually garden design concentrates on huge borders, flower beds and lawns and there is little instruction available about herb garden design in a small space. The challenges of designing a small herb garden can really be summarised in to these thoughts:

* The complete garden will be on look as a whole. There is no room for hidden paths or even division in to individual rooms.

* Small space means you must make choices. You can not develop every plant you love. You can not on impulse see a plant and purchase it just hoping there will be space for it.

* You have to limit your selection of colour of blooms. Do not create the plot too busy with shiny colour, stick to pastels as that will create your plot look bigger than to it is.

Gardening in a Small Space

Break up the current soil in your garden and add bagged or compost garden soil. The earlier you start, the better, so you can get to work on this part the assignment in the winter or fall.

Still in the outlining stages, get a walk around your surrounding and look in to what other folks have done with their small garden. Go to a historic space of row houses and see what types of gardens those folk have built. You do not have to be a copycat but beautiful gardens in other small spaces can be an inspiration.

Look down the gardens along your row of homes. How that would produce the look and experience of your complete neighborhood. If there are not a many gardens, maybe you can give inspiration to your neighbors and change your complete neighborhood in to a wonderful botanical paradise.


Easy Guide to Herb Garden Designs

>> Sunday, 11 July 2010

In the past herb garden designs were dictated by the herbs planted in them and classified as useful or ornamental. Truth of the matter is you can mix and match the following ideas to originate your very own special herb garden designs. It's your garden after all and like art these designs express your unique inner soul.

Yet, contrary to expectation, the first step in creating your herb garden designs is not to immediately draw your designs but to first list down the reasons for which you want to have your own herb garden.

Once you have your reasons listed down you can then match against those reasons, the herbs that will provide you with the solutions for your bespoke herb garden designs. Consider at this stage:

o their usefulness (for cooking, herbal remedies for ailments, for decoration in the house and so on)

o their looks, colours and fragrances and how you can group them together according to good herb gardening principles.

o their size and height - for deciding which to plant in front of which.

o the location and size (length and breadth) of the garden and how the plants can fit into that space aesthetically.

o how you would arrange the plants in the garden on the basis of their attributes and environmental requirements.

For your herb garden designs, you can decide on how your herb plants can be grown,

o in the ground in a formal structure or informal and casual, according to their purpose like the kitchen garden outside the kitchen door.

o in pots that are casually arranged on the patio

o in designer or specially constructed containers indoors or outdoors

o in single containers like:
o a windowsill box
o a ceramic or terracotta "strawberry" pot
o an herb garden kit.
o Even an old chimney pot can make an attractive display.
o You can use old tyres, cracked teapots, old pails, etc. Be selective though as the containers used will set the tone of the garden.

After jotting down all your requirements it is then time to put them together into the visualisation of the herb garden designs that will meet most if not all the needs you have written down.

Take your time and pleasure in creating your herb garden designs in your imagination. The more time, thought, colour and movement you visualise, the more real your vision becomes and the more useful and beautiful your garden will turn out to be for you.

The physical aspects of your herb garden designs can be:

o Large, formal and structured - utilitarian or ornamental. This is usually a walled garden that is rectangular in shape and divided into two parallel rows which are then subdivided into a number of beds that will each hold a specific group of herbs.

You can also divide the plot up into a number of squares or rectangles or even triangles laid out in a simple pattern to fit into the plot of available land. There could then be pathways cut out, normally in a symmetrical design that has the specific purpose of allowing easy access to each herb bed.

It would not be unthinkable to have a kitchen garden in a formal setting that incorporates a healing garden in the centre of it.

o In medieval times there were herb garden designs created purely for pleasure. The gardens may be smaller in size, probably a little structured and housed plants that had been chosen for their aroma and beauty, a place where one can sit down to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents.

o Formal herb garden designs later on took on the more complicated pattern made up of squares, rectangles and especially knots which were particularly popular in pleasure gardens.

o Unstructured herb garden designs include plants that had been selected for their particular use like culinary plants near the kitchen door.

o Herb garden designs for the indoors include potted herbs in containers for decorative purposes. It would be hard to avoid the usefulness of the herbal crops even though your intention was not focused on using the herbs.

o Outdoors in containers on the patio.

o On a purpose built rooftop garden

Just ensure that the three main rules for gardening are met if you expect success. They are sufficient lighting (natural or fluorescent), water and well drained soil.

By the way, there is no rule to say that you can have only one garden. You can have one indoors in addition to the one outdoors!

Whatever the purpose of your herb garden designs, take the opportunity to add an ornamental aspect to it. This will enhance and extend greatly your enjoyment of it.

If you need guidance on the exact steps to take to give you the assured outcome you desire then evaluate "Successful Herb Gardening ~ Step-by-Step" at 100% risk free. You can download it whenever you wish at the Herb Gardening Site.


Chia Herb Garden

Image : http://www.flickr.com

A Chia herb garden is essentially a container garden. Containers are available in different shapes and Chia is a form of container gardening, small containers and sponges used green, growing herbs. Garden Chia is a clean and simple way of gardening, and it is possible anywhere in your home or other small vegetable gardens in different parts of your home is the place.

When you configure your Chia herb garden, make sure that containersYou buy food is safe, especially if you want to gather your herbs for tea and cooking. Do this, do not plan on container Chia. If a plant is not food safe container, it is usually a warning. colored containers tend to use iron and other chemicals to shine and do well, what's good for other plants, but can a plant for human consumption affect production. If you want your Chia herb garden or container style to your design staff,You can also decorate with nontoxic paints. Make this the afternoon, an 'activities with children, and perhaps they can organize their herbal plants are tracked with the container grass.

One great thing about wanting to start Chia garden is that if you do not want to go through the process of germination of seeds of plants, waiting to appear on the shoots you can simply buy a garden. Like all container gardens for sale, many stores already growingto give a jump start their gardener. Many gardeners actually need the memory of a plant that grows, so do more. This gives you a crash course in the care of their plants, and the ability to instantly from your herbal harvest.

Some herbs grow very quickly, however, and if you want to keep your Chia herb garden at home then the warmth of the interior is a good environment for the seeds. This is one of the best things Chia herb garden you can growClosed all year! Just have the patience to grow only on your plants. turf grasses grow faster than most, so you can invest in this if you want to start from seed, and satisfaction will come sooner than most!

Chia gardens are not only beautiful, grass because the plants you put in them, but the structure, it can be put in a part of the design as well. For smaller gardens, is to play as easy to work with the design and replace it every fewMonths if you are bored.

herbs to choose for your backyard, well Chia. You do not want your herb plants too high or too thick or a drawing, you become tired of. Check how and 'completely grow your herbs, you know where in the garden, they bring your order. Do not want to smother your plants spasms with each other and each other's growth, pruning is usually done the trick, but can also save the position you have a great effort pruning.

Remember Place your Chia Herb Garden windows or outdoors from time to time so that the sunlight is healthy and a good amount. The requirement will say so on the box. Finally, be sure to water your garden every few days Chia, and if you fear that you forget the water to see if there is any call-boxes, per se. Just be sure to check the condition of the sponge and the moisture condition of the leaves to wilt. Besides this, Chia herb> Garden is easy as pie!


Learning About The Chinese Garden Design Options

>> Monday, 5 July 2010

There are many different issues that you need to learn about if you want to learn about the different Chinese garden design options that are available to you, and so if you are interested in learning about these fascinating but multitudinous Chinese garden design options, then you are definitely going to want to read on.

Different Chinese Garden Design Options

One of the most well known Chinese garden design options is that of water, and water is actually very important in any Chinese garden because water is one of the most representative Chinese symbols, representing purity and serenity.

Water can be used in many different ways in your Chinese garden, for instance you can put a water fountain as the centerpiece of your garden, or you could just stick to making a few shallow ponds here and there with pretty rocks and stones in them as decorations.

Another important Chinese garden design option that you want to take into consideration is that of magic lanterns, and these are another one of the most popularly used implements in any traditional Chinese garden.

These lanterns are not only incredibly beautiful and decorative, but as well they are extremely traditional and meaningful of Chinese culture overall.

There are so many other things that you can put in your Chinese garden as well, but regardless of what you want to put in it the most important thing to remember is that opposite of Japanese gardens, which are simple and sparse, Chinese gardens are incredibly dense and complex, and so you are thus going to want to make sure that you include a lot of different items and many different forums.

Try to incorporate as many different Chinese traditions as you can into your garden, and obviously then the bigger area of space you have to work with the better, because then you will be able to fit that many more elements into your available space.

Just remember to take your time while you are creating your Chinese garden, and try not to get frustrated because this will take the fun away from it, and having fun is the most important thing here. After all, you want your Chinese garden to come out looking great, but you also want to make sure that you are thoroughly enjoying yourself while you are actually creating it.

Also remember that doing more research on the issue of Chinese gardens in general before you start is a good idea, so that you can be that much more informed and have a better idea of what elements you should include in your garden.


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